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Congratulations to the student of IH IvSU Sergey Vlasov with the victory at the international competition!

Congratulations to the student of IH IvSU Sergey Vlasov with the victory at the international competition!

From February 28 to May 15, 2022 on the basis of the Faculty of Economics of Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov hosted the III International Public Speaking Contest in English. Our university was represented by Sergey Vlasov, a 2nd year student of the International Relations department of the Institute for the Humanities of IvSU.

At the first stage, the contestants were asked to record a video. In them, they presented their vision of new challenges facing the modern world and suggested ways to solve them. Sergey chose the topic "Ecology and Healthcare: New Approaches, New Solutions". Each work was evaluated according to several criteria – content, level of English proficiency, presentation quality, use of non-verbal means of communication and appearance. Sergey's work was selected, and he ended up in the final along with representatives of 12 universities in Russia and the CIS.

The final stage took place on May 5 and consisted of a speech on the proposed topic without preparation. The competent jury, which included professors from Moscow State University, as well as representatives of the publishing house "Cambridge University Press", faced a difficult task. Students from Moscow State University, Moscow State Institute of International Relations, Russian State Humanitarian University, Higher School of Economics St. Petersburg and other prestigious universities competed with our student. Sergei was able to demonstrate excellent command of the English language, competently build his speech, and convincingly answer the questions posed. Sergei won!

Congratulations to Sergei Vlasov on a well-deserved victory!

We wish you continued success!
