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Opening of the conference “World without Borders”

Opening of the conference “World without Borders”

On April 26, in the assembly hall of the 1st academic building of the IvSU, the 21st International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists “The World without Borders” was solemnly opened.

The head of IvSU Alexey Alexandrovich Malygin, officially opening the conference, noted that, having entered the third decade of its existence with this project, we continue the glorious traditions of discussing everything that interests and excites foreign students: the study of the Russian language, the legal foundations for the stay of foreign students on studying in Russia, their cultural adaptation and further processes equally important for all parties (interaction of cultures, cultural transfer, etc.). The rector shared his impressions with the audience about how wonderful it is to meet our graduates during official trips to other countries, how it expands the opportunities for dialogue and the space for mutual understanding. Addressing foreign students, he emphasized: “Overcoming the difficulties of adaptation and the complexity of the learning process here, you then return to your homeland, become conductors of the Russian language and culture, make a career, occupy leadership positions, achieve scientific success – and this is a reason for our mutual joy and pride”. The principal emphasized that our university would maintain the best traditions and wished the conference successful work.

Further, those gathered on behalf of the Duma deputies and the head of the city were congratulated by the Chairman of the Ivanovo City Duma Alexander Stanislavovich Kuzmichev. He thanked the teachers of all Ivanovo universities who helped foreign students in preparing reports, and noted that science often connected the world in difficult times, contributed, in spite of everything, to the development of intercultural ties, and our conference is no exception. Alexander Stanislavovich expressed his confidence that it would become a real celebration of knowledge and open the way to “big” science for many.

The plenary reports were varied and interesting. Thus, Aleksandra Kashina (ISPU) studied the use of anglicisms in the urban environment of the city of Ivanovo and analyzed the reasons for their growing popularity. Kialue Meresse Kivelé (ISCTU) in his report “French borrowings in Russian: the linguistic and cultural experience of mastering Gallicisms” cited many interesting facts (for example, the Russian students surveyed no longer recorded many Gallicisms as borrowings, considering them to be Russian words). Nduniama Kanga Kedren Stev (IvSU) in the report “Semantics and symbolism of white and red colors in Russian (against the background of the Lingala language)”, one might say, presented arguments for some supporter of the theory of linguistic relativity – the interpretation of white turned out to be so “national” and semantics of idioms in Lingala. Nurullaev Begench (IvSMA) spoke about his hometown, and Charyev Shahzad (ISACU) comprehended the cultural heritage as a factor in the intercultural dialogue of students from different countries.

Also, greetings and wishes for successful work were made by Dmitry Sergeevich Fomichev, Advisor to the Department of Education of the Ivanovo Region, and Dmitry Mikhailovich Mokeev, Deputy Chairman of the Committee for Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of the Ivanovo City Administration. D.S. Fomichev presented the gratitude of the Department to the teachers, and D.M. Mokeev – gratitude of the Committee to students – for active scientific and social work, participation in student life and strengthening of interethnic relations.

After a short break, the work of the conference was continued within the framework of breakout sessions.
