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Career Week 2022: Job Fair

Career Week 2022: Job Fair

On April 14, 2022, our traditional “Job Fair” was successfully held in the assembly hall, and then in the reading room of the 1st educational building of IvSU.

First, in the assembly hall, filled with graduate students from all institutes and the Faculty of Law of IvSU, as well as representatives of employer companies, the first vice-rector of the university Olga Vladimirovna Kuzmina addressed the audience. She noted that the “Career Week” has been held by IvSU for more than a decade and there is always a great “trilateral” interest in the “Job Fair”: firstly, the university is interested in our graduates successfully finding employment, making a career and benefiting themselves, region, society, state, and this is one of the indicators of the effectiveness of the university; the healthy ambitions of the students themselves, who want to find a good job and a decent salary, are obvious; Undoubtedly, there is the interest of employers who want to staff their staff with highly qualified personnel. This fact alone confirms the consistently high level of training of students of our university, which combines classical traditions and innovative developments, offering education in 50 areas of undergraduate and graduate programs.

33 different organizations took part in this event to help young graduates and students decide on their future work. Olga Vladimirovna wished those present that "demand and supply today find each other and be satisfied with this meeting".

And then the “Job Fair” itself unfolded in the reading room, where students met and had a chance to communicate with representatives of companies. Among the employing organizations were entire industries and factories, banks, IT companies, educational organizations, representatives of law enforcement agencies and others. These are SK-Service, Internet marketing agency Illuminator, Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the Ivanovo Region, Polymer Export, Administration of the Federal Postal Service of the Ivanovo Region, Databridge Translation Agency, VTB Bank, Involta, Garpix, Neurosoft, EGGER, Interdistrict Inspectorate of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation, “Consultant”, “Zetta Insurance”, Department of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for the Ivanovo Region, Department of the Federal Bailiff Service for the Ivanovo Region, “Academy of Development”, “Kangaroo” – and others. Our large reading room could not immediately accommodate everyone who wanted to see vacancies and communicate with representatives of employers. But in the end, of course, all those who were interested received the necessary information and left their applications.

We wish good luck to young professionals!
