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Spring came to IvSU

Spring came to IvSU

On March 1, in the assembly hall of the 1st IvSU academic building and in the hall of the academic building No. 6, we started the program of festive events “Tender March”.

In the assembly hall, vice-rector for social development and international affairs Nikita D. Sorokin presented gratitude to the most active students from the Committee of Youth Policy, Physical Culture and Sports of Ivanovo City Administration. During the award ceremony, N. Sorokin warmly noted the merits and talent of everyone and wished them success in their future work.

After the official part, the students played an exciting game “Where is the logic? Confrontation of sexes”. As you might guess from the name, in connection with the holidays of February 23 and March 8, teams of boys and girls fought for the title of the most logical team. Students guessed songs and movies through associative addition of pictures, and in the round “Formula of Everything” they looked for words that symbolize each institution.

As a result, the game turned into a draw. Both girls and boys showed that logical thinking does not depend on gender, but on personal abilities and team spirit.

In front of the photo zone in the lobby of the 6th building, activists of collegiate body of student self-government greeted students and teachers of Ivanovo State University with music and good mood! Everyone could not only participate in competitions, but also take a photo for memory.
