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What to do if someone in the family has the flu or coronavirus infection?

What to do if someone in the family has the flu or coronavirus infection?
  1. Call a doctor.
  2. Give the patient a separate room. If this is not possible, keep a distance of at least 1 meter from the patient.
  3. Minimize contact between the sick and other people, especially children, the elderly and those with chronic illnesses.
  1. Ventilate the room frequently, preferably every two hours.
  2. Maintain cleanliness by washing and disinfecting surfaces as often as possible with household cleaners.
  3. Allocate separate dishes for a patient to eat. After use, they must be disinfected. The patient should eat separately from other family members.
  4. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, especially before and after caring for a sick person.
  5. When caring for the sick, be sure to use masks and gloves, disinfectants.
  6. Only one member of the family should take care of the sick person.
  7. In the room of a sick person use disinfectants, wipe surfaces at least 2 times a day.