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Legal assistance to foreign students

Legal assistance to foreign students

On November 26, 2021 within the framework of a single All-Russian Day of Free Legal Aid, held at the initiative of the Ivanovo regional branch of the Association of Russian Lawyers, interns of the Student Legal Aid Center (legal clinic) of Ivanovo State University (headed by Nina V. Isaeva, head of the Department of Constitutional Law and Human Rights) and Kulikova Yana, a research associate of IvSU REC "Accessible Legal Environment", conducted an educational and legal master class for foreign students on the topic: "Legal foundations of medical assistance to foreign students in the Russian Federation."

The event (17 people took part in it) included a presentation showed by third-year undergraduate students of the Faculty of Law Anastasia Kruglova and Maria Rusinova, an analysis of specific situations that foreign students had to face in practice, individual counseling, which was received by 7 people.

The most pressing questions turned out to be: insurance against COVID-19 and medical assistance to foreign students in case of COVID-19 illness, the difference between compulsory and voluntary health insurance, methods and procedures for issuing an OMI and VMI policies, and others. In addition, law students wrote down a number of questions requiring preparation and individual work with clients according to the rules of legal clinic.

Due to epidemiological restrictions, the master class and counseling were conducted remotely in Zoom.
