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IvSU launches training in two new educational programmes

IvSU launches training in two new educational programmes

Next academic year Ivanovo State University will launch two new educational programmes.

On the basis of the Institute of Humanities IvSU will open training on "Education in the field of choreography" programme. The opening of a new programme is a joint initiative of the Governor of the Ivanovo Region Stanislav Voskresensky, the rector of the Ivanovo State University Alexey Malygin and Lyubov Kalmykova, the head of the department for project activities and development of Centre for Culture and Leisure in Ivanovo.

The programme "Education in the field of choreography" will offer 12 budget places for prospective students. To enter it, applicants will have to pass two exams: Russian language and social studies, as well as successfully pass a creative test.

It is planned to cooperate with renowned teachers of the capital's universities and renowned experts in the field of choreographic art. “Our task is to educate a quality teacher. Not a performer, but a teacher who will be able to work with children and lay the right foundation for their development”- commented Svetlana Manik, the director of IvSU Institute of Humanities.

The second new direction – "Information Security" – will be opened on the basis of the Institute of Mathematics, Information Technologies and Natural Sciences. The recruitment will be carried out on a commercial basis. For admission, you must pass the exams in Russian language and specialized mathematics, as well as an optional exam: computer science and IT, chemistry or a foreign language.

 “This direction is in great demand: specialists in the field of information security are required in IT companies, commercial and government organizations, and banks. At the Open Doors Day on November 14, applicants showed high interest in the new programme, ”said the director of the Institute Tatiana Kustova. Upon graduation, graduates will be able to develop information security systems, test them and even investigate cybercrimes.
